Marvel DLX Personal Coolers are comparatively small, compact and portable units that can be placed next to your bed, sofa or dining tables. These coolers are essentially meant to provide cooling comfort to an individual.
Print technology: Laser Duplex printing: Manual duplex Print resolution: Up to 600 x 600 dpi Monthly duty cycle: Up to 10,000 pages Printing speed: Up to 22 ppm Display: LED
The Solarium Neo has superior design and is aesthetically appealing that fits and gels with the bathroom decor. It has a unique Gyroscopic Technology that avoids direct contact between cold and hot water fl ow for faster heating
5 Star Rated Product
Standby Cutoff that Reduces ElectricityBill
Triple Shield Protection from Hard Water
Incoloy Heating Element
Also Available in 15L & 25L.Price in Description Below